Rules & Regulations For Students

Rules & Regulations For Students

Dress Code For Boys

  • Students must wear the uniform with an ID card and white coat/aprons.
  • Shirt must be inserted and the first button of the shirt must not be left open.
  • Face must be neatly shaved and hair be groomed well.
  • Nails should be cut properly.
  • Length of pants must not be above the heel and formal black shoes must be worn during class hours and practicals.
  • Studs, earrings, or related jewels are not allowed on the campus.

Dress Code For Girls

  • Students must wear the uniform with an ID card and white lab coat/aprons.
  • Hair should be well groomed and put up.
  • Nails should be cut properly.
  • Formal black shoes which cover toes are to be worn.
  • Costly jewels are not allowed on the campus.

General Rules & Regulations

  • Students must wear uniform along with an ID card while attending the classes, hospital postings, and laboratory. A white coat/apron is compulsory during practical sessions.
  • The students should groom professionally and well behave in the college/school and hospital.
  • A student will be issued a transfer certificate or conduct certificate, only if his/her character and performance are satisfactory.
  • Students must show respect to the teaching staff, college/school/ hospital/management authorities, and non-teaching staff.
  • The character and conduct of students inside and outside the college/school will be observed by college/school authorities. Any misbehavior either inside or outside class will call for disciplinary action.
  • Students are expected to keep the classrooms and college/school premises neat and clean.
  • Students should attend college/school regularly. Those who come late should take permission from the principal through the respective class coordinators.
  • Frequent latecomers and absentees will not be allowed to enter the class without bringing their parents.
  • In case of absence due to unavoidable reasons like illness, the leave application is to be submitted to the principal for approval after getting the initial permission from the class coordinator.
  • Students who absent themselves from examination except for a valid reason will be considered as having failed in the subject or examination.
  • Parents may meet the principal to discuss matters concerning the progress of their children.
  • Parents must inform the college/school of any change in their address or phone numbers immediately.
  • Students are not allowed to skip/bunk classes. If a parent/guardian desires to take his son/daughter home during class hours, depending upon the emergency, the principal shall take appropriate decisions.
  • Students should not break or damage any of the articles provided for their use.
  • Mobile phone is not allowed in the college/school. Those found using the mobile phone inside the college/school will be fined Rs. 500/- and the seized mobile phones will be given back only to their parents.
  • Meeting of students of any kind shall be entertained inside the college/school only with the prior permission of the principal.
  • Wandering around college/school campuses without any valid reason is not permitted.
  • The college/school rules and regulations must be followed by students. The Principal’s decision will be final in any academic/disciplinary matters.